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Pearse Murphy

Currently a postdoctoral researcher/data scientist on the TAPAS team at the University of Galway using machine learning and earth observations to monitor the effects of climate change in crops.

My previous postdoctoral researcher position was at Observatoire de Paris where I developed a machine learning algorithm to automatically detect solar radio emission in NenuFAR observations. Check out the arxiv preprint!

I completed my PhD at Trinity College Dublin and the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS) under the co-supervision of Prof. Peter Gallagher and Dr. Eoin Carley in 2022. My research focused on interferometric radio imaging of solar bursts using the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR).

I was also involved in the development of the REALtime Transient Acquisition (REALTA) cluster for recording and processing data from the Irish LOFAR station I-LOFAR in Birr, Co. Offaly. I was once one of I-LOFAR's Chief Observers regularly monitoring the sun for radio signatures of solar activity.

Me infront of Dunsink Observatory

Find me online

Mastodon: @murphp30@mastodon.dias.ie

Github: murphp30