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Cirriculum Vitae (pdf)


PhD. in Astrophysics

Trinity College Dublin and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 2017-2022

B.A. Mod. Phyics and Astrophysics

Trinity College Dublin 2013-2017
First Class Honours and awarded Gold Medal

Work Experience

Postdoctoral Researcher/Data Scientist

University of Galway 2024-Present
Using machine learning algorithm and earth observation data to monitor the effects of climate change on crops.

Postdoctoral Researcher

Observatoire de Paris 2022-2024
My research focuses on developing a machine learning algorithm to automatically detect solar radio bursts in NenuFAR data. I also use NenuFAR to make radio interferometric images of the Sun at the highest spectral resolutions to date.

Laboratory and Teaching Assistant

Trinity College Dublin 2017-2019
I demonstrated in undergraduate physics laboratories for Junior Sophister students. This involved teaching students a breadth of fundamental and applied concepts in physics as well as experimental techniques and how to operate laboratory equipment.

Walton Club Lead Educator

Trinity College Dublin 2017-2019
As a lead educator at the Walton Club I was responsible for designing and teaching a physics and maths syllabus for the club's alphas (secondary school students). I also acted as supervisor for research projects alphas undertake during their final year at Walton Club.

I-LOFAR Construction Team

I-LOFAR, Birr Summer 2017
During the summer of 2017 myself and a mix of undergraduates, PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and senior academic staff constructed the Irish LOw Frequency ARray (I-LOFAR) station. This included laying approximately 42 km of coaxial cable, assembling 3072 antennae for 96 High Band Antenna tiles, assembling 96 Low Band Antennae and connecting them to the local correlator.



Python: 10+ years experience
Bash: 8+ years experience
Git: 5+ years experience

Operating Systems

Mac OSX, Linux Ubuntu and Windows 10

Other Interests

Bouldering, musical theatre, playing guitar, singing